Waking Up Happy Every Day

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When Brentin Hess graduated from college, he had what many recent grads—and nearly all their parents—dream of: an offer for a full-time government job. What Brentin didn't have at the time was clarity, something he credits Quantum Leap and Gary Keller with providing for him.

After attending Quantum Leap in June 2015, Brentin realized the government job wasn’t really what he wanted, so instead he passed it up to start a capital investment company with KW's Seth Campbell, a top expansion team leader.

"The clarity aspect was really the game-changer for me because, at a young age, we're faced with a lot of opportunities and how do we know which is the right opportunity for us without clarity? Applying the Quantum Leap material to my life helped at the most critical time I've ever experienced."

That clarity afforded Brentin the confidence he needed to take the leap into starting a new business.

"It was a step back financially leaving a 40-hour job with a salary for a 70-hour job at a start-up, but because of the clarity from Quantum Leap, I knew I would wake up happy every day," he says. "I'm putting way more time in, but it's okay because I'm passionate about it, and there's an underlying, unset pressure because I'm the one who made that decision, and it's nobody's fault but mine if it doesn't work out. It gives you pressure to succeed one way or another and not give up, because you're leading your own life for once."

One of the first obstacles he faced in his decision came from his parents, who are real estate agents in Maryland.

"At first, my parents certainly pushed back, like any good parent would," Brentin says. "We had interesting conversations about it, and because I was able to support my decision through the clarity I earned at Quantum Leap, we were able to come together and move forward with what I wanted to do collectively."

Today, Brentin shares the material that changed his life with others as a Quantum Leap instructor.

"Being able to take everything that was taught to me and pay it forward to those in my life is absolutely incredible," he says. "It gives me an excuse to continue to immerse myself in the material and live my life in alignment with it because you want to share real-life experiences. Otherwise, I'd be up there in the front of a room as a fraud. I've built up accountability of how the material has changed my life."