The fastest, most effective listing presentation

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Real Estate


Keller Williams University’s free and learning-centric RED Talks Live was a live streaming event available on KWConnect to all KW associates. The event featured 12 of KW's top agents who discussed the topics that matter most to today's agent. KW associate Dan Grieb presented the session entitled “The Fastest, Most Effective Listing Presentation.”

A KW MAPS Coach and residential real estate expert, Grieb offered several points of value throughout his presentation. With 363 home sales last year in the Orlando, Fla., market, he gave his audience a seasoned perspective on what to do and what not to dowhen delivering a successful listing presentation.

Beginning with the latter point, Grieb role-played a script in which he shows up to the sellers’ house, hits the ground running, and then spends the next three hours speaking to how great he and his business are, only to be met with his potential clients’ response of “We need to think about it” …

What went wrong? he asks.
As Grieb saw it, “I talked myself out of a listing.”

He then offered attendees an acronym and method that illustrates just how one should go about correcting this false start: “STOP – Stop Talking Over People.”

Grieb then elaborated with his own six-point approach to an effective listing presentation:

Look for an appointment, which should really be the first goal of a real estate conversation.

Pre-qualify for motivation: “build trust, tear down tension.”

Send a CMA: send it electronically or have an Uber driver drop it off directly.

Make a call to follow up: “Did you receive my email?” (it’s a discovery call – stop, and listen carefully)

Don’t talk yourself out of another listing: identify that objections are actually just questions and that the close should be “a natural ending to a great presentation.”

As he wrapped up, Grieb underlined that a great listing presentation really has more to do with the pre-qualification process than the actual presentation itself.

As he advised, in the first conversation with potential clients, a listing agent should focus on the following: being confident, establishing trust, really listening to the individuals, and identifying their motivation.

The natural result will be a more streamlined listing presentation and a lot more listings!